Learning only DISC is not enough, because we have to know also about other’s team role (TEAMS profile), understand other’s hidden motivator (VALUES style profile) so it will enrich our understanding about other’s behavior style.
This three powerful asessments (DISC, TEAMS & VALUES Style profile) are continuously developed by The Institute for Motivational Living Inc. – USA, all participants has to continuously also update their knowledge about administering this tools. So that they are encouraged to renew their certificate every two years as a prove of proficiency, they need to practice how to administer, score, analyze, interpret and apply the assessment result continuously.
“Practice makes us perfect.”
DISC The Personality System™ of assessing personality characteristics is based upon the work of Dr. William Marston, one of the foremost psychologists of the twentieth century. Dr. Marston extensively studied the characteristics, patterns and responses of thousands of individuals; and wrote The Emotions of Normal People as a result of his efforts. Based upon his incredible insights into the world of characterizing individual responses to their environment, Dr. Marston was able to develop a machine which was capable of measuring human responses to various internal stimuli – the polygraph machine.
The DISC The Personality System™ is the universal language of behavior. Research has shown that behavioral characteristics can be grouped together in four major divisions called personality styles. People with similar styles tend to exhibit specific behavioral characteristics common to that style. All people share these four styles in varying degrees of intensity. The acronym DISC stands for the four personality styles represented by the letters:
The PowerDISC™ graphically represents the level of ability that an individual possesses in seven key areas. This profile would represent an excellent mix for someone who held a position, and understand their strengths and minimize their limitations.
The TEAMS Profile™ accurately measures the internal, natural role that a person will play on a team, and what their most effective role will be. It makes the task of determining proper team placement easy, simple and (best of all) fast.
The VALUES Style Profile™ was designed to help you discover your “Hidden Motivator”. Once this discovery is made, you can grow to understand and appreciate the differences in others. This understanding can become the foundation for building better relationships and gaining a greater understanding of motivations.