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A Business Consultant and Consultant PT once FOUNDER of the Future , established since 2004 . He graduated Cum Laude with IPMI MM - Jakarta and High Distinction from Monash University , Melbourne - Australia , a business practitioner who has more than 25 years in the field of marketing services , trading , property and manufacturing.

He also is an experienced public speaker and coach in developing leadership , personal development and motivation for many companies and organizations in Indonesia , Australia , Japan and Korea . He is known as a ENTERTRAINER are always ready to give you inspiration and motivation with a focus on strength NEW approach to human behavior ( Behavior Based Approach ) and Inner motivational development.

He was very concerned with the construction and development FUTURE GENERATION FAMILY INDONESIA strong and , accompanied by his wife , Hanny Syumanjaya , who also is a Certified Behavior Analyst , he became both the main speaker in SMART Behavior broadcast in radio networks in Indonesia and he both write the way Discovery Books Family - Family Management Guide for Qualified and JUST PARENTS - Parents and Educators Mandatory Reading . He was both CONSULTANT MAIN become a consultant in Discovery Family First and Most Comprehensive in Indonesia , providing comprehensive services for families.
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